2022 was a tough year for many, many people. Let’s look forward to a better year ahead.
How can we turn things around? How can we get to a place of ‘don’t worry, be happy’ and ‘turn your frown upside down’?
Perhaps some changes are needed, but what changes can one make for a more productive, satisfying, happier 2023?
“If you do not change direction,” said Chinese philosopher Lao Tzu, “you might end up where you are heading.”
So here are 6 golden strategies to get the results you want to see . . .
1. Enough is enough: Say to yourself, ‘enough is enough’. This could be the day that your life turns around. The turning point. Say, ‘I’ve had it. I’m fed up. Enough is enough’. It could be the start of something special.
2. Make a decision. Decisions are powerful. A short list of decisions is even better. e.g. a morning and an evening routine, to give some structure to your day. (For a memoir, it may mean a plan to write a certain amount each day; or at a particular time of day.)
3. Desire – sometimes desire waits for the right time. Waits for something to happen. Waits for an experience. So welcome all experiences – they might be the catalyst you’ve been quietly waiting for to start making big changes for the better.
4. Persistence – says I will. Promise yourself you will never give up. Pay the price of persistence. The pain of persistence is far better than the pain of regret. If you’ve tried to turn things around and it didn’t work out, that’s OK. Simply attack the problem from a different angle – try another approach.
5. Take inventory – figure out what you’ve done wrong and what you’ve done right. This should form the basis of a day to day plan for incremental improvement. (But don’t beat yourself up over past mistakes – they are all just learning experiences).
6. The solution. Get totally focused on the solution (and get out of the problem). Attention and focus will wander, that’s normal. Just continually bring it back to your plan. Re-orientate.